Finding Feminine Energy to Allow Flow

This year so far has felt deeply lacking in flow. The constant influx of information as a mom, a woman, a freelancer, a wife, a friend, and a human has been overwhelming. Recently, I revisited the saved feature on my Instagram and decided to do a mass delete and clean out. Before doing so, I looked at what I had been saving over the years. You can see where the shift from Instagram being fun, creative, and inspirational occurred. Suddenly, from 2017 to late 2018, my saved posts moved from beautiful things and words that elevated my soul to things about weight loss, postpartum core repair, how to juggle work and kids, parenting advice, health and wellness, food ideas, trends, and other random things that I probably never looked at in my saved folder again. Yet, here I was, saving the things that mattered the least to me personally but were in my face every time I opened the app. The algorithm had got me, and it was laid out for me to see.

None of the topics above are bad or wrong. Many are great and even motivational, but I started to notice that I lost a piece of myself. It was not lost to motherhood or the general grind of daily living; it was lost to the maze of information that I thought I needed to engage in. Basically, I had lost my feminine divine, my goddess flow, my inner female wisdom, and instinct.

For the better part of the year, the words “soften and surrender” have come up multiple times a day. I kept wanting and waiting to find this “feeling” to release the tightness in my chest and feel some kind of shift. I did not realise what that was until recently. I have tried new ways of exercising, dieting, weight loss, routines, and apps to help me achieve goals and be more disciplined in almost every area of my life—to do better, be better. And yes, those things are great, but they have not really felt like they are serving me, my authentic self.

While this past year or two we have finally seen women being empowered in so many different spaces, and it is amazing and cool to witness, I just came to realize that I have been operating in my masculine energy non-stop for the past six months. Again, nothing wrong with this, BUT, it did not feel like it was serving me to be the best version of who I am and how I wanted to flow.

Pause Meditation defines the masculine and feminine energy types as: “In a nutshell – regardless of our biological sex, we all have a mix of masculine and feminine energy, and we need both in our daily lives. Masculine energy is characterized by DOING and achieving and is moulded by logic and reason. The feminine is more intuitive, oriented towards receiving and allowing, and characterized by BEING.”

With Visually, both Amy and I speak about what we want Visually Amy to stand for and do differently, how we want to work with our clients in a holistic way that strips back the layers and helps them feel seen and heard and ultimately empowered by our guidance and help. But to do this for others, I realized I needed to step back into my femininity, back into what FEELS good and right. Back into allowing play, rest, joy, dance, emotional expression, and softness.

The beauty of being human and having a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips is that we get to learn more and grow more. But that does not mean the information you are exposed to is a cookie-cutter one-size-fits-all. Here is an example: maybe you are a HIIT girly or a yoga babe, maybe you count calories, and maybe you eat cake for breakfast. Whatever your vibe is, the content you consume matters. If it is not aligned with who you are or where you are in your life, it won't shift, expand, or even inspire you; it will just make you believe that this is who you should be, where you must be, and what you must be doing.

This messaging is the same for brands. There is no point in jumping on a trend and paying a crazy amount for paid ads on social media if your target audience does not understand who you are or what you do. Just because other brands, peers, and competitors are doing something does not mean that something is meant for your business or brand.

Trends are great; they expose us to new things and allow us to try things out. But often, we can get sucked into what we see and feel, thinking that is who we should be. But do we want and need to be that? Brands need to think about longevity, not existing just for the now, for the quick flash-in-the-pan, feel-good oxytocin hit of likes or follows. Sometimes we have to step back before we can step back in. If we are always operating from our masculine in life and in business, we may be missing key messaging and insights that come from working in our feminine energy. Maybe it's time to rethink your to-do list to have a more feminine energy and flow.

Unfollow what does not serve or inspire you. Grab a journal and just write—write anything on your mind. Put on music and dance around your house. Get into nature, get naked, get free, feel liberated, and open yourself up to receiving and allowing things to flow.

Love Natalie
